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Fluorite Tile (50 x 50 cm)
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Fluorite Tile (50 x 50 cm)

Fluorite Tile (50 x 50 cm)
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Fluorite Tile (50 x 50 cm)
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Fluorite Tile (50 x 50 cm)
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Fluorite Tile (50 x 50 cm). You will receive one Tiles, similar to what is photographed, with this order. 1st and 2nd photos are back lit. This Fluorite was mined from the Norcross-Madagascar (NMG) Fluorite quarry, and manufactured by Gem Surfaces®, another NMG division.

This product is a mosaic. The following description is from Gem Surfaces:

Our stunning precious stone tiles are hand-hewn from the finest gem rough, used traditionally only in jewelry. Because these fine gems don't naturally lend themselves to standard tile dimensions, we have developed a special technique that lets us piece them together into a durable mosaic like no other.

For further information, please call a sales rep Madagascar Minerals at (520) 882-8884. 

Metaphysical guide and Physical properties of Fluorite


Scientific Properties:
Category: Halide mineral 
Stone Type/Family: A member of the Fluorite family, Halides Class
Chemical formula: CaF2
Crystal symmetry: Isometric 4/m 3 2/m
Unit cell: a = 5.4626 Ã...; Z=4
Hardness: 4 (defining mineral)
Color: Colorless, white, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, pink, rainbow (a combination of one or two more colors), brown, bluish black; commonly zoned


Metaphysical guide:
Healing, Protective, Cleansing
Primary Chakra: In general-All, more specific with color
Astrological sign(s): Pisces, Capricorn
Vibration: Number 7 and 9

Fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper Chakras, Fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit.
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